On August 21st, Leah was promoted to the Kindergarten Sunday School Class at Church. She has been in Mrs. Sheila Hendley's class since she was born. This last Sunday, September 4th, she went to her new class w/ Ms. Linda Irwin and re-joined having class w/ her big sister Lexie. I think Lexie was more excited than Leah was!
I guess I'll do a little bragging here. I'm a big fan of Sunday School. And I'm really proud of Leah for not only going (I understand it's not like she has a choice in the matter yet) but, she really enjoys going to SS. She's always telling us what she is learning and it blesses our hearts. It's really neat when she tells us "Oh you know, I learned that story that you told us about in the Bible."
Other parents, I guess, post pics of their kids doing "whatever it is they do." I'm proud to post a pic of her SS Promotion. She's hardly missed a Sunday during her 5 years of life. Keep it up Leah! Keep loving Jesus and learning about HIM!!