Friday, September 23, 2011

Kentucky Trip - Part 3

This is the last post for our summer Kentucky trip.

Below is a pic of my kids and my best friend Priscilla's daughter Dinah. Oh, how sometimes I wish we were closer. But we are both where God wants us, so....
We had fun visiting w/ them in Cookeville, TN one day. That's about half way between Nashville, TN and Monticello, KY. We were all thrilled to eat at Cracker Barrell. Also, during that trip I got to visit w/ another college friend, Cassie Butler/Lockard!

I miss both of you ladies!

Another one of our days in Monticello involved taking a trip to Foster Mountain to see my Great Aunt Verna Lee. She is such a sweet and simple woman. I really enjoy spending time w/ her and all her family, especially since my grandma isn't with us anymore.

Then, of course, we spent a few days at Greg's parents, a.k.a. Mum Mum's and Grandpa's. We always enjoy her good cooking... Harold does too! And that's Cousin Libbie in the pic below. We sure do love her!

The girls love to play in the gravel at their grandparent's house. And Molly loves to throw them onto the carport!

Here, Libbie, Lane, Grandpa, Mary Ellen, Aunt Linda, and Mum Mum are chilling out.

Mary Ellen, Lexie and Leah in Mum Mum and Grandpa's back yard playing.

Molly loved trying to drink the drops of water that fell from the air conditioner.
We got so tickled at her doing that!

One of the most special parts of going home is to visit our home church. I usually cry the whole time. It's a special place and I have lots of memories of what God did in my life as a young person.

This picture is precious. Mum Mum praying and Mary Ellen looking at the service.

Lexie and Mary Ellen got to sing a special at church that Sunday. I think Mum Mum liked that alot!

Well, we had a great time in Monticello, Kentucky and all our travels that week!