Wednesday, October 20, 2010

First Post for October...

It's been awhile since I've posted on our blog. Guess I've got some catchin' up to do. It's been a busy month.
We spent the last week of September in Monticello, Kentucky with our family. We had a great time and the girls came back completely spoiled! : ) While we were there, Uncle Harold taught Lexie and Leah how to ride their bicycles without training wheels. They've still got aways to go, but thanks to Uncle Harold, they're further down the road.... literally, I guess!
The girls also got to spend special time with Aunt Liz and go to my alma mater. Liz teaches math at the high school I graduated from. The girls thought it was pretty neat to see where their momma went to school. They had fun making "pipe cleaner" spiders and pin wheels in her class room.
We also went to visit Aunt Linda and Cousin Libby at their house. The girls had never been and Leah, especially, wanted to know where Aunt Linda lived at. So, we went. Special thanks to Cousin Libby for letting us shop through her attic. Leah is especially grateful, due to her many antique Toy Story finds.
We also visited my Great Aunt Verna Lee. We had such a good visit, and like always, I shared with her some of my canned goods and she had an old quilt for me that she had found. She just recently had a bilateral mastectomy. Thankfully, all went well and she is doing great now.

Shortly after we returned home, we received a phone call that Greg's second cousin had been killed in a car accident. She was just 18. As you can imagine, this was and has been difficult for their family. But we are trusting in God and asking Him to restore their family.

Just a couple days after Greg returned from the funeral, our family came to visit us here in Missouri. Greg's mom, his aunt Linda and second cousin Lane and my mom, came to visit and watch the girls while we were gone to our annual ministry retreat. We were gone 3 days and we had a great time. It was good to get away and get some rest and a renewed spirit. The girls had a blast with their grandmas, aunt and cousin.

We are currently trying to get back in the swing of things. I am already looking forward to the fall activities of the church and the winter holidays coming up. God has been so good to us and it is our desire to continue to serve Him each day!

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