Thursday, July 29, 2010

Our 8th Anniversary!

Greg and I just recently celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary. We have actually been together for 10 years this summer. We started dating the summer before my senior year and before his senior year of college. We are so blessed as a couple and as a family. We learn more everyday what it means to truly be ONE in everything we do. I do believe, the number one thing that I have learned in the past 8 years is the true meaning of the greatest commandments. First to love God with all that you are and to love your neighbor, or husband, as yourself. I have discovered that marriage works so much easier and there is more peace when you treat each other the same way you want to be treated. Imagine that! A teaching of Jesus.... and it does work!! It works with parenting too!

As part of our celebration, Greg and I were blessed to have some friends take the girls overnight so we could go out to eat and get some rest. We had a great time at one of the restaurants over at the Lake of the Ozarks. It overlooked the lake and it was a beautiful evening. The next morning we enjoyed breakfast a Bob Evans and did a little shopping. We also pulled out the old VHS tape and watched our wedding with the girls. They thought that was pretty neat, for a few minutes anyway. Its amazing how much has changed since then, everything that is, except our love for each other!

I love you Greg! Happy Anniversary!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Molly rolled over!

Isn't our little Molly just a doll baby? My goodness, I just love her to pieces! And we just wanted to share with you that she has just recently learned to roll over. And yes, all the credit goes to Nanny Jewell, Mum Mum Sharon, Aunt Linda and Cousin Lane. While they were here, they practiced and practiced with Molly and taught her how to roll over. They were so excited that they helped her accomplish this great task! Good job ladies! Now, the next milestone is "sitting up." I'll sure be glad when she figures that one out!

Friday, July 16, 2010

This week...

This week has been quite adventurous. Our family headed back home on Sunday afternoon, followed by a yummy lunch at Cracker Barrel. That afternoon, we had a big storm and our little dog, Oreo, got very spooked! She was so pitiful. We, or should I say, I, went through a roller coaster of emotions. First we thought she had parvo and she might die. The thoughts of this broke my heart. But to make a long story short, we found a vet that we could afford, got her some antibiotics and I nursed her back to health. And thanks to her Creator, she is much better.

Greg spent the week down at the campground and was a counselor for boys camp. He and David just rolled in a bit ago and they have been sharing their camp stories. The girls and I are glad they are back home.

The girls enjoyed attending VBS at the Baptist church this week.
It was a ranch theme and they learned more about God's word!
Here they are in the covered wagon!

Here is a pic of our little Molly Ann. She'll be 6 months on the 25th.

And here is Mary Ellen playing in the pool. Isn't she cute holding her nose?

Monday, July 12, 2010

Molly's Dedication

Long before Molly was born, Greg and I, gave her back to the Lord...even before we knew that she was a "her." But on Sunday, July 11, we, along with both of our moms, Greg's Aunt Linda and second cousin Lane, we dedicated her to God. Pastor Mike Palmer, who has become a dear friend in recent years, along with his wife Mary, came to Iberia for the weekend. We asked him to "officiate" a dedication service for Molly. And it was a beautiful time! Before it was time for Molly to be dedicated, she started crying uncontrollably! I think everyone was a bit nervous, but as soon as I stood up and started to walk up front with her, she calmed down. And thankfully, she stayed calmed through everything, even Pastor Mike's prayer for her.
It was a very blessed day!
We love our Molly Ann and we love our God!

And just a little side note: The dress that Molly is wearing was made by her momma and every one of our girls wore it during their dedications... pretty sweet, I think anyway!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4 more women in our house ....

yep... we're gonna have 4 more women in our house this week. We just got the phone call that my mom, Greg's mom, Greg's aunt and cousin are on their way from Kentucky! Poor Greg, he already has me and our 4 girls, plus a female pup to live with. Now, 4 more women are coming this week!

We will have fun though, and we are looking forward to their arrival. Maybe we'll take a trip to the creek and have a picnic this week or something. But most importantly, on Sunday morning, we will dedicate little Molly Ann to the Lord with our family present!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Our "New-2-us" Van !

We have been looking and praying for a new van for quite some time. We have test-driven several vans, but we never had the peace that we always look for when we make a big decision. BUT, God was just on time! I just happened to be talking to a friend and telling her that we had been looking for a van. She then told me that her parents had a van for sell. Well, folks the pics below are of the van that her parents once owned! I'm amazed at how God gave us HIS peace when the time was right. This was a blessing to the owner and to our family. They had been getting weary of wondering if there would be a buyer and we were getting weary wondering when we were going to find the "right" van. I do believe that God is in control of everything! And on top of that, this van has just about everything we were looking for in a van!
God does give us the desires of our hearts!

And by the way, if you know anyone in need of a van,
we're looking to sell our old one!

2005 Chrysler Town and Country Limited Edition

Sleeping Beauties

More Family Camp Pics

Lexie and Leah swimming in the lake. In this pic, Leah is swimming in the bottom-left hand corner and Lexie is the one who made the splash at the dock. Lexie got to where she would run and jump in, jump in backwards, cannonball, etc. Needless to say, they had a blast swimming in the lake!

This is a pic of one of the young girls at our church.
She was attempting to go off the blob.

Mary Ellen and Leah enjoying the pool!

Greg with Lexie, Leah and Mary Ellen out on the paddle boat.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Family Camp @ Pinecrest 2010

Lexie, their friend Haven, and Leah eating watermelon

Leah, Mary Ellen and Lexie eating in the room...
thanks Jeanna for letting us borrow the tv tables.

Last Monday we headed down to "the boothill" of Missouri and went to Family Camp at Pinecrest Campground w/ our District Nazarene Family. What a week! The girls enjoyed attending a 3 hour Bible School every morning while Greg and I enjoyed a Bible study w/ Pastor Mike, our DS, and then a worship service that included singing and preaching. We had the majority of our meals in our room this year. It was fun! It was like we were camping... but not... because we were indoors and had access to electricity. Anyway, after lunch, I took Lexie, Leah and Mary Ellen to the pool for swim time. Greg stayed w/ Molly and they both had some quiet time. Some afternoons we would all go to the lake and Greg would take the girls out on the paddle boat or canoe. Of course, on Thursday afternoon, we enjoyed the annual watermelon feast down by the lake. Then during the evenings, after nap and dinner, we would all go to the evening service. Greg and I thoroughly enjoyed and needed every single service. I can testify that God is so amazing and totally faithful to exactly what we need when we need it! God spoke to our hearts in powerful ways and we are so thankful that we were able to go to Family Camp this year!
Its such a blessings to see the 65 member teen choir and orchestra in all of the services. I pray that as our girls listen to the choir, that they are dreaming of one day being "up there" like those teens. Even now though, I know that God is at work in their little hearts and minds. Leah told me just the other day, "Mommy, it doesn't matter what you do wrong, Jesus will always forgive you. He loves us, doesn't He?" Wow, out of the mouths of babes...