Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 5 of "Stay-Cation" Fall '11

I've tried uploading some more pics and they are still kind of distorted. I have so many more that I would like to share, oh well.

Friday morning we left Columbia, Missouri and drove to Olathe, Kansas to see my brother Harold at MNU. We had a great time with him and we went to Bass Pro. Shops. The girls love to go there.

#86 is Harold. This was their first game and he was still in the process of getting his eligibility. In future posts I will share pics of him on the field playing! We're really proud of him1

Everywhere we went during our vacation, this little cat went along with Mary Ellen. She didn't want it to miss out on anything! As you can tell!

This is our dream purchase... a Bass Buggy Bass Tracker Pontoon! Maybe one of these days...

And that was day 5 and day 6 of our Fall Family "Stay-Cation." We returned home late Saturday night and attended church on Sunday!